Oğuz is a young musician in his twenties. During the Covid-19 pandemic, he lost many things in his life along with his job. His problems with his lover will drag them apart. He will try to get out of his deadlock with music, which is the job he knows best.
- Ogün Doğru: Director, Writer and Producer
- Hayırlıevler: Co-Producer
- Nehir İrem Sekmen: Executive Producer
- Ogün Doğru: Director of Photography
- Gazi Ozan Eskici: Art Director
- Sinan Çetinkaya: Music Composer
- Fırat Tandoğan: Soundtrack
- Ogün Doğru: Editing
- Berkay Lopoğlu: English Subtitle
- Fırat Tandoğan: Key Cast”Oğuz”
- Yağmur Sıla Gümüş: Key Cast”Ayça”